
Welcome to TheoretiCS

TheoretiCS is a Diamond Open Access electronic journal covering all areas of Theoretical Computer Science (TCS). Access to all papers is free. Authors are not required to pay any publication fees or article processing charges, and retain copyright.

TheoretiCS strives for top quality scholarship in Theoretical Computer Science, broadly construed. It publishes original research, explicitly including suitably revised and extended versions of conference papers. To be accepted, a paper must make a significant contribution of lasting value to a relevant area of TCS, and its presentation must be of high quality.

For Authors

TheoretiCS follows a two-stage review process.
Phase 1

Evaluates the significance and lasting value of the results, and the quality of the exposition.

Target 3 months decision.
Phase 2

Checks the validity and makes suggestions to achieve a presentation of high quality. 

Papers in Phase 2 are expected to be published unless problems are identified or a high quality of exposition cannot be achieved.
For further information, please see our author information.

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