Editorial Board


Managing Editors


Name Affiliation Country Area
Andris Ambainis U. of Latvia Latvia Quantum Computing
Albert Atserias UPC, Barcelona Spain Complexity, Logic
Haris Aziz UNSW, Sydney Australia Artificial Intelligence, Computational Social Choice
Christel Baier TU Dresden Germany Verification, Automata
Nikhil Bansal Michigan USA Approximation and Online Algorithms, Combinatorial Optimization, Randomized Algorithms
David Basin ETH, Zürich Switzerland Computer Security, Automated Reasoning
Lars Birkedal Aarhus Denmark Programming languages, Type theory
Patricia Bouyer CNRS France Verification, Games
Mark Braverman Princeton USA Complexity, Economics and
Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi Milano Italy Machine Learning, Game Theory, Computational Economics
Ugo Dal Lago Bologna Italy Programming Languages, Types, Logic
Anuj Dawar Cambridge UK Logic, Complexity
Luc Devroye McGill Canada Probabilistic Analysis of Algorithms, Probability Theory
Faith Ellen U. of Toronto Canada Distributed Computing
Bernd Finkbeiner CISPA, Saarbrücken Germany Verification, Synthesis
Anupam Gupta NYU USA Approximation Algorithms, Online and Stochastic Optimization, Metric Embeddings
Johan Håstad KTH, Stockholm Sweden Complexity, Approximation Algorithms, Circuit Complexity
Sandy Irani UC Irvine USA Quantum computing
Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi NII Japan Algorithmic Graph Theory, Structural Graph Theory
Stefan Kiefer Oxford UK Verification, Probabilistic models, Automata
Valerie King Victoria Canada Randomized Algorithms, Distributed Computing, Data Structures
Naoki Kobayashi Tokyo Japan Types
Elias Koutsoupias Oxford UK Algorithmic Game Theory, Online Algorithms
Andrei Krokhin Durham UK Constraint Satisfaction Problems, Complexity
Katrina Ligett Hebrew Univ. Israel Algorithmic Fairness, Algorithmic Game Theory, Online Algorithms
Brendan Lucier Microsoft Research United States Economics and Computation
Rupak Majumdar MPI-SWS Germany Verification
Joseph Mitchell Stony Brook USA Computational Geometry
Mehryar Mohri Google and NYU USA Machine Learning
David Mount Maryland USA Computational Geometry, High-Dimensional Data
Danupon Nanongkai MPI-INF Germany Algorithms, Distributed Computing
Moni Naor Weizmann  Israel Cryptography, Complexity
MichaƂ Pilipczuk Warsaw Poland Parameterized Complexity, Structural Graph Theory, Algorithmic Finite Model Theory
Sushant Sachdeva Toronto Canada Algorithms, Continuous Optimization, Machine Learning
Peter Sanders KIT Germany Parallel Algorithms, Graph Algorithms, Data Structures
Davide Sangiorgi Bologna Italy Concurrency, Programming Languages
Nitin Saxena IIT Kanpur India Algebraic Complexity, Computational Algebra, Number theory
Rocco Servedio Columbia USA Complexity, Machine Learning, Sublinear Computation
Alexandra Silva Cornell USA Algebraic methods in programming
Alistair Sinclair UC Berkeley USA  Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method, Statistical Physics, Randomized Algorithms
Dan Suciu Seattle USA Databases, Data management
Ola Svensson EPFL, Lausanne Switzerland Combinatorial Optimization, Approximation Algorithms, Graph Algorithms
Vinod Vaikuntanathan MIT USA Cryptography, Quantum Computing and Complexity Theory
Virginia V. Williams MIT USA Algorithms
David Woodruff CMU USA Algorithms, Foundations of Data Science