Journal Statistics

Statistics of the Journal as of 1 April 2024.

Paper status

Status 2021 2022 2023
Number of submissions 7 52 42
Number of accepted submissions
by year of acceptance (but might have been submitted in an earlier year)
0 7 9
Number of accepted submissions
by year of submission (but might have been accepted in a later year)
1 22 7
Number of submissions awaiting decision
by year of submission
0 1 11

Numbers by year of submission subject to change as further decisions are made. All submissions awaiting decision from 2022 and 2023 are in Phase 2, so are expected to be accepted eventually (see our review process).

Processing times

Period 2021 2022 2023
Average time between submission and Phase 1 decision (days) 19 68 90
Average time between submission and final decision (days) 8 95 161
Average time between submission and acceptance (days) 237 375
Average time between submission and publication (days) 356 363

Times are averaged over papers that reached the milestone in the given year.


Category 2021 2022 2023
Number of review requests sent 11 199 186
Number of completed reviews received 2 117 119

Year refers to the time of request / time of receiving the review. Review statistics are approximate; the data contains a small number of repetitions caused by sometimes issuing multiple requests to the same person (typically due to requests expiring or initially using the wrong email).