Laure Morelle ; Ignasi Sau ; Giannos Stamoulis ; Dimitrios M. Thilikos - Faster parameterized algorithms for modification problems to minor-closed classes

theoretics:11623 - TheoretiCS, August 12, 2024, Volume 3 -
Faster parameterized algorithms for modification problems to minor-closed classesArticle

Authors: Laure Morelle ; Ignasi Sau ; Giannos Stamoulis ; Dimitrios M. Thilikos

    Let ${\cal G}$ be a minor-closed graph class and let $G$ be an $n$-vertex graph. We say that $G$ is a $k$-apex of ${\cal G}$ if $G$ contains a set $S$ of at most $k$ vertices such that $G\setminus S$ belongs to ${\cal G}$. Our first result is an algorithm that decides whether $G$ is a $k$-apex of ${\cal G}$ in time $2^{{\sf poly}(k)}\cdot n^2$, where ${\sf poly}$ is a polynomial function depending on ${\cal G}$. This algorithm improves the previous one, given by Sau, Stamoulis, and Thilikos [ICALP 2020], whose running time was $2^{{\sf poly}(k)}\cdot n^3$. The elimination distance of $G$ to ${\cal G}$, denoted by ${\sf ed}_{\cal G}(G)$, is the minimum number of rounds required to reduce each connected component of $G$ to a graph in ${\cal G}$ by removing one vertex from each connected component in each round. Bulian and Dawar [Algorithmica 2017] provided an FPT-algorithm, with parameter $k$, to decide whether ${\sf ed}_{\cal G}(G)\leq k$. However, its dependence on $k$ is not explicit. We extend the techniques used in the first algorithm to decide whether ${\sf ed}_{\cal G}(G)\leq k$ in time $2^{2^{2^{{\sf poly}(k)}}}\cdot n^2$. This is the first algorithm for this problem with an explicit parametric dependence in $k$. In the special case where ${\cal G}$ excludes some apex-graph as a minor, we give two alternative algorithms, running in time $2^{2^{{\cal O}(k^2\log k)}}\cdot n^2$ and $2^{{\sf poly}(k)}\cdot n^3$ respectively, where $c$ and ${\sf poly}$ depend on ${\cal G}$. As a stepping stone for these algorithms, we provide an algorithm that decides whether ${\sf ed}_{\cal G}(G)\leq k$ in time $2^{{\cal O}({\sf tw}\cdot k+{\sf tw}\log{\sf tw})}\cdot n$, where ${\sf tw}$ is the treewidth of $G$. Finally, we provide explicit upper bounds on the size of the graphs in the minor-obstruction set of the class of graphs ${\cal E}_k({\cal G})=\{G\mid{\sf ed}_{\cal G}(G)\leq k\}$.

    Volume: Volume 3
    Published on: August 12, 2024
    Accepted on: July 21, 2024
    Submitted on: July 21, 2023
    Keywords: Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms,Computer Science - Computational Complexity,Mathematics - Combinatorics,05C85, 68R10, 05C75, 05C83, 05C75, 05C69,F.2.2,G.2.2
      Source : OpenAIRE Graph
    • Decomposition of Graphical Models; Funder: French National Research Agency (ANR); Code: ANR-16-CE40-0028
    • Unifying Theories for Multivariate Algorithms; Funder: French National Research Agency (ANR); Code: ANR-20-CE92-0027
    • Exploring the Limits of Tractability; Funder: French National Research Agency (ANR); Code: ANR-20-CE48-0008
    • Efficiency and Structure in Graph Mining Applications; Funder: French National Research Agency (ANR); Code: ANR-17-CE23-0010


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