Volume 3


1. Strongly Sublinear Algorithms for Testing Pattern Freeness

Ilan Newman ; Nithin Varma.
For a permutation $\pi:[k] \to [k]$, a function $f:[n] \to \mathbb{R}$ contains a $\pi$-appearance if there exists $1 \leq i_1 < i_2 < \dots < i_k \leq n$ such that for all $s,t \in [k]$, $f(i_s) < f(i_t)$ if and only if $\pi(s) < \pi(t)$. The function is $\pi$-free if it has no $\pi$-appearances. In this paper, we investigate the problem of testing whether an input function $f$ is $\pi$-free or whether $f$ differs on at least $\varepsilon n$ values from every $\pi$-free function. This is a generalization of the well-studied monotonicity testing and was first studied by Newman, Rabinovich, Rajendraprasad and Sohler (Random Structures and Algorithms 2019). We show that for all constants $k \in \mathbb{N}$, $\varepsilon \in (0,1)$, and permutation $\pi:[k] \to [k]$, there is a one-sided error $\varepsilon$-testing algorithm for $\pi$-freeness of functions $f:[n] \to \mathbb{R}$ that makes $\tilde{O}(n^{o(1)})$ queries. We improve significantly upon the previous best upper bound $O(n^{1 - 1/(k-1)})$ by Ben-Eliezer and Canonne (SODA 2018). Our algorithm is adaptive, while the earlier best upper bound is known to be tight for nonadaptive algorithms.

2. Realizable Learning is All You Need

Max Hopkins ; Daniel M. Kane ; Shachar Lovett ; Gaurav Mahajan.
The equivalence of realizable and agnostic learnability is a fundamental phenomenon in learning theory. With variants ranging from classical settings like PAC learning and regression to recent trends such as adversarially robust learning, it's surprising that we still lack a unified theory; traditional proofs of the equivalence tend to be disparate, and rely on strong model-specific assumptions like uniform convergence and sample compression. In this work, we give the first model-independent framework explaining the equivalence of realizable and agnostic learnability: a three-line blackbox reduction that simplifies, unifies, and extends our understanding across a wide variety of settings. This includes models with no known characterization of learnability such as learning with arbitrary distributional assumptions and more general loss functions, as well as a host of other popular settings such as robust learning, partial learning, fair learning, and the statistical query model. More generally, we argue that the equivalence of realizable and agnostic learning is actually a special case of a broader phenomenon we call property generalization: any desirable property of a learning algorithm (e.g. noise tolerance, privacy, stability) that can be satisfied over finite hypothesis classes extends (possibly in some variation) to any learnable hypothesis class.

3. Constructive Separations and Their Consequences

Lijie Chen ; Ce Jin ; Rahul Santhanam ; Ryan Williams.
For a complexity class $C$ and language $L$, a constructive separation of $L \notin C$ gives an efficient algorithm (also called a refuter) to find counterexamples (bad inputs) for every $C$-algorithm attempting to decide $L$. We study the questions: Which lower bounds can be made constructive? What are the consequences of constructive separations? We build a case that "constructiveness" serves as a dividing line between many weak lower bounds we know how to prove, and strong lower bounds against $P$, $ZPP$, and $BPP$. Put another way, constructiveness is the opposite of a complexity barrier: it is a property we want lower bounds to have. Our results fall into three broad categories. 1. Our first set of results shows that, for many well-known lower bounds against streaming algorithms, one-tape Turing machines, and query complexity, as well as lower bounds for the Minimum Circuit Size Problem, making these lower bounds constructive would imply breakthrough separations ranging from $EXP \neq BPP$ to even $P \neq NP$. 2. Our second set of results shows that for most major open problems in lower bounds against $P$, $ZPP$, and $BPP$, including $P \neq NP$, $P \neq PSPACE$, $P \neq PP$, $ZPP \neq EXP$, and $BPP \neq NEXP$, any proof of the separation would further imply a constructive separation. Our results generalize earlier results for $P \neq NP$ [Gutfreund, Shaltiel, and Ta-Shma, CCC 2005] and $BPP \neq NEXP$ [Dolev, Fandina and Gutfreund, CIAC 2013]. 3. Our […]

4. DeepSec: Deciding Equivalence Properties for Security Protocols -- Improved theory and practice

Vincent Cheval ; Steve Kremer ; Itsaka Rakotonirina.
Automated verification has become an essential part in the security evaluation of cryptographic protocols. In this context privacy-type properties are often modelled by indistinguishability statements, expressed as behavioural equivalences in a process calculus. In this paper we contribute both to the theory and practice of this verification problem. We establish new complexity results for static equivalence, trace equivalence and labelled bisimilarity and provide a decision procedure for these equivalences in the case of a bounded number of protocol sessions. Our procedure is the first to decide trace equivalence and labelled bisimilarity exactly for a large variety of cryptographic primitives -- those that can be represented by a subterm convergent destructor rewrite system. We also implemented the procedure in a new tool, DeepSec. We showed through extensive experiments that it is significantly more efficient than other similar tools, while at the same time raises the scope of the protocols that can be analysed.

5. PPSZ is better than you think

Dominik Scheder.
PPSZ, for long time the fastest known algorithm for $k$-SAT, works by going through the variables of the input formula in random order; each variable is then set randomly to $0$ or $1$, unless the correct value can be inferred by an efficiently implementable rule (like small-width resolution; or being implied by a small set of clauses). We show that PPSZ performs exponentially better than previously known, for all $k \geq 3$. For Unique-$3$-SAT we bound its running time by $O(1.306973^{n})$, which is somewhat better than the algorithm of Hansen, Kaplan, Zamir, and Zwick, which runs in time $O(1.306995^n)$. Before that, the best known upper bound for Unique-$3$-SAT was $O(1.3070319^n)$. All improvements are achieved without changing the original PPSZ. The core idea is to pretend that PPSZ does not process the variables in uniformly random order, but according to a carefully designed distribution. We write "pretend" since this can be done without any actual change to the algorithm.

6. Terminal Embeddings in Sublinear Time

Yeshwanth Cherapanamjeri ; Jelani Nelson.
Recently (Elkin, Filtser, Neiman 2017) introduced the concept of a {\it terminal embedding} from one metric space $(X,d_X)$ to another $(Y,d_Y)$ with a set of designated terminals $T\subset X$. Such an embedding $f$ is said to have distortion $\rho\ge 1$ if $\rho$ is the smallest value such that there exists a constant $C>0$ satisfying \begin{equation*} \forall x\in T\ \forall q\in X,\ C d_X(x, q) \le d_Y(f(x), f(q)) \le C \rho d_X(x, q) . \end{equation*} When $X,Y$ are both Euclidean metrics with $Y$ being $m$-dimensional, recently (Narayanan, Nelson 2019), following work of (Mahabadi, Makarychev, Makarychev, Razenshteyn 2018), showed that distortion $1+\epsilon$ is achievable via such a terminal embedding with $m = O(\epsilon^{-2}\log n)$ for $n := |T|$. This generalizes the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma, which only preserves distances within $T$ and not to $T$ from the rest of space. The downside of prior work is that evaluating their embedding on some $q\in \mathbb{R}^d$ required solving a semidefinite program with $\Theta(n)$ constraints in~$m$ variables and thus required some superlinear $\mathrm{poly}(n)$ runtime. Our main contribution in this work is to give a new data structure for computing terminal embeddings. We show how to pre-process $T$ to obtain an almost linear-space data structure that supports computing the terminal embedding image of any $q\in\mathbb{R}^d$ in sublinear time $O^* (n^{1-\Theta(\epsilon^2)} + d)$. To accomplish this, we leverage […]

7. Improved quantum data analysis

Costin Bădescu ; Ryan O'Donnell.
We provide more sample-efficient versions of some basic routines in quantum data analysis, along with simpler proofs. Particularly, we give a quantum "Threshold Search" algorithm that requires only $O((\log^2 m)/\epsilon^2)$ samples of a $d$-dimensional state $\rho$. That is, given observables $0 \le A_1, A_2, ..., A_m \le 1$ such that $\mathrm{tr}(\rho A_i) \ge 1/2$ for at least one $i$, the algorithm finds $j$ with $\mathrm{tr}(\rho A_j) \ge 1/2-\epsilon$. As a consequence, we obtain a Shadow Tomography algorithm requiring only $\tilde{O}((\log^2 m)(\log d)/\epsilon^4)$ samples, which simultaneously achieves the best known dependence on each parameter $m$, $d$, $\epsilon$. This yields the same sample complexity for quantum Hypothesis Selection among $m$ states; we also give an alternative Hypothesis Selection method using $\tilde{O}((\log^3 m)/\epsilon^2)$ samples.

8. Linear Hashing with $\ell_\infty$ guarantees and two-sided Kakeya bounds

Manik Dhar ; Zeev Dvir.
We show that a randomly chosen linear map over a finite field gives a good hash function in the $\ell_\infty$ sense. More concretely, consider a set $S \subset \mathbb{F}_q^n$ and a randomly chosen linear map $L : \mathbb{F}_q^n \to \mathbb{F}_q^t$ with $q^t$ taken to be sufficiently smaller than $ |S|$. Let $U_S$ denote a random variable distributed uniformly on $S$. Our main theorem shows that, with high probability over the choice of $L$, the random variable $L(U_S)$ is close to uniform in the $\ell_\infty$ norm. In other words, {\em every} element in the range $\mathbb{F}_q^t$ has about the same number of elements in $S$ mapped to it. This complements the widely-used Leftover Hash Lemma (LHL) which proves the analog statement under the statistical, or $\ell_1$, distance (for a richer class of functions) as well as prior work on the expected largest 'bucket size' in linear hash functions [ADMPT99]. By known bounds from the load balancing literature [RS98], our results are tight and show that linear functions hash as well as trully random function up to a constant factor in the entropy loss. Our proof leverages a connection between linear hashing and the finite field Kakeya problem and extends some of the tools developed in this area, in particular the polynomial method.

9. Positivity-hardness results on Markov decision processes

Jakob Piribauer ; Christel Baier.
This paper investigates a series of optimization problems for one-counter Markov decision processes (MDPs) and integer-weighted MDPs with finite state space. Specifically, it considers problems addressing termination probabilities and expected termination times for one-counter MDPs, as well as satisfaction probabilities of energy objectives, conditional and partial expectations, satisfaction probabilities of constraints on the total accumulated weight, the computation of quantiles for the accumulated weight, and the conditional value-at-risk for accumulated weights for integer-weighted MDPs. Although algorithmic results are available for some special instances, the decidability status of the decision versions of these problems is unknown in general. The paper demonstrates that these optimization problems are inherently mathematically difficult by providing polynomial-time reductions from the Positivity problem for linear recurrence sequences. This problem is a well-known number-theoretic problem whose decidability status has been open for decades and it is known that decidability of the Positivity problem would have far-reaching consequences in analytic number theory. So, the reductions presented in the paper show that an algorithmic solution to any of the investigated problems is not possible without a major breakthrough in analytic number theory. The reductions rely on the construction of MDP-gadgets that encode the initial values and linear recurrence relations of linear […]

10. On Classifying Continuous Constraint Satisfaction Problems

Tillmann Miltzow ; Reinier F. Schmiermann.
A continuous constraint satisfaction problem (CCSP) is a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) with an interval domain $U \subset \mathbb{R}$. We engage in a systematic study to classify CCSPs that are complete of the Existential Theory of the Reals, i.e., ER-complete. To define this class, we first consider the problem ETR, which also stands for Existential Theory of the Reals. In an instance of this problem we are given some sentence of the form $\exists x_1, \ldots, x_n \in \mathbb{R} : \Phi(x_1, \ldots, x_n)$, where $\Phi$ is a well-formed quantifier-free formula consisting of the symbols $\{0, 1, +, \cdot, \geq, >, \wedge, \vee, \neg\}$, the goal is to check whether this sentence is true. Now the class ER is the family of all problems that admit a polynomial-time many-one reduction to ETR. It is known that NP $\subseteq$ ER $\subseteq$ PSPACE. We restrict our attention on CCSPs with addition constraints ($x + y = z$) and some other mild technical conditions. Previously, it was shown that multiplication constraints ($x \cdot y = z$), squaring constraints ($x^2 = y$), or inversion constraints ($x\cdot y = 1$) are sufficient to establish ER-completeness. We extend this in the strongest possible sense for equality constraints as follows. We show that CCSPs (with addition constraints and some other mild technical conditions) that have any one well-behaved curved equality constraint ($f(x,y) = 0$) are ER-complete. We further extend our results to inequality constraints. […]

11. Framework for $\exists \mathbb{R}$-Completeness of Two-Dimensional Packing Problems

Mikkel Abrahamsen ; Tillmann Miltzow ; Nadja Seiferth.
The aim in packing problems is to decide if a given set of pieces can be placed inside a given container. A packing problem is defined by the types of pieces and containers to be handled, and the motions that are allowed to move the pieces. The pieces must be placed so that in the resulting placement, they are pairwise interior-disjoint. We establish a framework which enables us to show that for many combinations of allowed pieces, containers and motions, the resulting problem is $\exists \mathbb{R}$-complete. This means that the problem is equivalent (under polynomial time reductions) to deciding whether a given system of polynomial equations and inequalities with integer coefficients has a real solution. We consider packing problems where only translations are allowed as the motions, and problems where arbitrary rigid motions are allowed, i.e., both translations and rotations. When rotations are allowed, we show that it is an $\exists \mathbb{R}$-complete problem to decide if a set of convex polygons, each of which has at most $7$ corners, can be packed into a square. Restricted to translations, we show that the following problems are $\exists \mathbb{R}$-complete: (i) pieces bounded by segments and hyperbolic curves to be packed in a square, and (ii) convex polygons to be packed in a container bounded by segments and hyperbolic curves.

12. From Muller to Parity and Rabin Automata: Optimal Transformations Preserving (History) Determinism

Antonio Casares ; Thomas Colcombet ; Nathanaël Fijalkow ; Karoliina Lehtinen.
We study transformations of automata and games using Muller conditions into equivalent ones using parity or Rabin conditions. We present two transformations, one that turns a deterministic Muller automaton into an equivalent deterministic parity automaton, and another that provides an equivalent history-deterministic Rabin automaton. We show a strong optimality result: the obtained automata are minimal amongst those that can be derived from the original automaton by duplication of states. We introduce the notions of locally bijective morphisms and history-deterministic mappings to formalise the correctness and optimality of these transformations. The proposed transformations are based on a novel structure, called the alternating cycle decomposition, inspired by and extending Zielonka trees. In addition to providing optimal transformations of automata, the alternating cycle decomposition offers fundamental information on their structure. We use this information to give crisp characterisations on the possibility of relabelling automata with different acceptance conditions and to perform a systematic study of a normal form for parity automata.

13. Orbit-Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces and Weighted Register Automata

Mikołaj Bojańczyk ; Joanna Fijalkow ; Bartek Klin ; Joshua Moerman.
We develop a theory of vector spaces spanned by orbit-finite sets. Using this theory, we give a decision procedure for equivalence of weighted register automata, which are the common generalization of weighted automata and register automata for infinite alphabets. The algorithm runs in exponential time, and in polynomial time for a fixed number of registers. As a special case, we can decide, with the same complexity, language equivalence for unambiguous register automata, which improves previous results in three ways: (a) we allow for order comparisons on atoms, and not just equality; (b) the complexity is exponentially better; and (c) we allow automata with guessing.

14. Unifying the Three Algebraic Approaches to the CSP via Minimal Taylor Algebras

Libor Barto ; Zarathustra Brady ; Andrei Bulatov ; Marcin Kozik ; Dmitriy Zhuk.
This paper focuses on the algebraic theory underlying the study of the complexity and the algorithms for the Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP). We unify, simplify, and extend parts of the three approaches that have been developed to study the CSP over finite templates -- absorption theory that was used to characterize CSPs solvable by local consistency methods (JACM'14), and Bulatov's and Zhuk's theories that were used for two independent proofs of the CSP Dichotomy Theorem (FOCS'17, JACM'20). As the first contribution we present an elementary theorem about primitive positive definability and use it to obtain the starting points of Bulatov's and Zhuk's proofs as corollaries. As the second contribution we propose and initiate a systematic study of minimal Taylor algebras. This class of algebras is broad enough that it suffices to verify the CSP Dichotomy Theorem on this class only, but still is unusually well behaved. In particular, many concepts from the three approaches coincide in this class, which is in striking contrast with the general setting. We believe that the theory initiated in this paper will eventually result in a simple and more natural proof of the Dichotomy Theorem that employs a simpler and more efficient algorithm, and will help in attacking complexity questions in other CSP-related problems.

15. Approximate Distance Sensitivity Oracles in Subquadratic Space

Davide Bilò ; Shiri Chechik ; Keerti Choudhary ; Sarel Cohen ; Tobias Friedrich ; Simon Krogmann ; Martin Schirneck.
An $f$-edge fault-tolerant distance sensitive oracle ($f$-DSO) with stretch $\sigma \ge 1$ is a data structure that preprocesses a given undirected, unweighted graph $G$ with $n$ vertices and $m$ edges, and a positive integer $f$. When queried with a pair of vertices $s, t$ and a set $F$ of at most $f$ edges, it returns a $\sigma$-approximation of the $s$-$t$-distance in $G-F$. We study $f$-DSOs that take subquadratic space. Thorup and Zwick [JACM 2005] showed that this is only possible for $\sigma \ge 3$. We present, for any constant $f \ge 1$ and $\alpha \in (0, \frac{1}{2})$, and any $\varepsilon > 0$, a randomized $f$-DSO with stretch $ 3 + \varepsilon$ that w.h.p. takes $\widetilde{O}(n^{2-\frac{\alpha}{f+1}}) \cdot O(\log n/\varepsilon)^{f+2}$ space and has an $O(n^\alpha/\varepsilon^2)$ query time. The time to build the oracle is $\widetilde{O}(mn^{2-\frac{\alpha}{f+1}}) \cdot O(\log n/\varepsilon)^{f+1}$. We also give an improved construction for graphs with diameter at most $D$. For any positive integer $k$, we devise an $f$-DSO with stretch $2k-1$ that w.h.p. takes $O(D^{f+o(1)} n^{1+1/k})$ space and has $\widetilde{O}(D^{o(1)})$ query time, with a preprocessing time of $O(D^{f+o(1)} mn^{1/k})$. Chechik, Cohen, Fiat, and Kaplan [SODA 2017] devised an $f$-DSO with stretch $1{+}\varepsilon$ and preprocessing time $O(n^{5+o(1)}/\varepsilon^f)$, albeit with a super-quadratic space requirement. We show how to reduce their preprocessing time to […]

16. Spectral Independence via Stability and Applications to Holant-Type Problems

Zongchen Chen ; Kuikui Liu ; Eric Vigoda.
This paper formalizes connections between stability of polynomials and convergence rates of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms. We prove that if a (multivariate) partition function is nonzero in a region around a real point $\lambda$ then spectral independence holds at $\lambda$. As a consequence, for Holant-type problems (e.g., spin systems) on bounded-degree graphs, we obtain optimal $O(n\log n)$ mixing time bounds for the single-site update Markov chain known as the Glauber dynamics. Our result significantly improves the running time guarantees obtained via the polynomial interpolation method of Barvinok (2017), refined by Patel and Regts (2017). There are a variety of applications of our results. In this paper, we focus on Holant-type (i.e., edge-coloring) problems, including weighted edge covers and weighted even subgraphs. For the weighted edge cover problem (and several natural generalizations) we obtain an $O(n\log{n})$ sampling algorithm on bounded-degree graphs. The even subgraphs problem corresponds to the high-temperature expansion of the ferromagnetic Ising model. We obtain an $O(n\log{n})$ sampling algorithm for the ferromagnetic Ising model with a nonzero external field on bounded-degree graphs, which improves upon the classical result of Jerrum and Sinclair (1993) for this class of graphs. We obtain further applications to antiferromagnetic two-spin models on line graphs, weighted graph homomorphisms, tensor networks, and more.